Cullen Family History
 and Genealogy


Matches 201 to 231 of 231

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
201 S76 St. Camillus Cemetery
202 S77 St. Camillus Parish Register, Farrellton, Quebec
203 S78 St. Columban Cemetery, Quinnville, Quebec
204 S79 St. Elizabeth, Cantley Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths - SGO
205 S81 St. Gregoire de Nanziance, Buckingham, LDS #1031876
206 S82 St. Gregory's Parish records
207 S83 St. Joseph's Ottawa Mariages 1856-1984 centre de genealogie 1985
208 S84 St. Luke's Parish, Curran Ontario - LDS Film #1302284
209 S85 Ste. Anne's Church, Sudbury, Ontario
210 S87 Sue at
211 S88 Tanguay's Genealogical Dictionary
212 S89 Tanguay's Genealogical Dictionary Vol 1, Page 33, 34; Vol 2, Page 164
213 S90 The French Canadians
214 S92 The MacCabe List
215 S93 The McCabe List
216 S94 The Ottawa Times, January 1867
217 S95 Tombstone
218 S96 Tombstone Inscription, St. Camillus Parish, Farrellton, Quebec
219 S97 Tombstone Inscription, Stfelicite Parish, Clarence Creek, Ontario
220 S98 Tombstone Notre Dame Cemetery
221 S99 Tres Sainte Redempteur Hull mariages 1902-1985 SGO 1987
222 S100 Tres Sainte Trinite Rockland Ontario 1889-1988 Lemieux Publisher 1991
223 S101 Turner family bible
224 S103 Vital Statistics of New Brunswick Newspapers 1784-1896
225 S104 Wakefield & Denholm x-2 page 4
226 S105 Waterloo Advertiser March 13, 1908
227 S106 Waters Addendum
228 S107 Wendell Gaudin
229 S108 Winnnipeg Free Press
230 S109 Wisconsin Death Index 1959-1997
231 S110 York County NB GenWeb

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