Cullen Family History
 and Genealogy


Matches 151 to 200 of 231

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
151 S13 Ottawa Citizen Apr 2 1956
152 S14 Ottawa Citizen Dec 30 1950
153 S52 Ottawa Citizen Dec 7 1939
154 S16 Ottawa Citizen Feb 14 1968
155 S17 Ottawa Citizen Jan 13, 1944
156 S18 Ottawa Citizen January 4, 1862
157 S20 Ottawa Citizen Jun 9 1952
158 S21 Ottawa Citizen March 1 1947
159 S22 Ottawa Citizen Nov 3 1967
160 S23 Ottawa Citizen Oct 10 1944
161 S24 Ottawa Citizen Sep 17 1956
162 S25 Ottawa Citizen Sep 17 1964
163 S26 Ottawa Free Press, August 1874
164 S27 Ottawa Journal
165 S28 Ottawa Times
166 S29 Our loyalist Ancestors: Kith and Kin of Holden Turner; Marjory M.Waters, 1975
167 S33 PRDH
168 S34 PRovincial Archives New Brunswick
169 S35 Quebec Archives
170 S36 Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967
171 S37 Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967
172 S38 Ralph Turner Research; Old Parochial registers 1612-1854
173 S39 Ralph Turner Research; Scottish Church Records, LDS source
174 S40 Ralph Turner Research; Vital Statistics from New Brunswick NewspapersVol 11
175 S43 Ralph Turner Research; Vital Statistics from New Brunswick NewspapersVol 15
176 S44 Ralph Turner Research; Vital Statistics from New Brunswick NewspapersVol 16
177 S45 Ralph Turner Research; Vital Statistics from New Brunswick NewspapersVol 2
178 S46 Ralph Turner Research; Vital Statistics from New Brunswick NewspapersVol 5
179 S47 Ralph Turner Research; Vital Statistics from New Brunswick NewspapersVol 8
180 S48 Regroupement des Familles de Saint-Francois-de-Sales de Gatineau SGO1988
181 S49 Rep. BMS St. Paul d'Aylmer Genealogie de L'Outaouais
182 S55 Rep. de Mariages Comte Ottawa-Carleton 1873-1986 Club de Genealogie deLongueuil
183 S56 Rep. des Mariages Saint Francois de Sales de Pointe-Gatineau 1847-1973Houle centre de Genealogie
184 S58 Robert Quevillon
185 S59 Roland deGrosbois
186 S60 Saint Joseph Parish Ottawa 1856-1984 le Centre de Genealogie SC 1985
187 S61 Saint-Andre de Sutton register
188 S62 Sainte Brigide Ottawa 1889-1982 Centre de Genealogie SC 1984
189 S63 Sainte Felicite Mariages et Sepultures 1855-2004 SFOHG
190 S64 Schedule B Marriages District of Nipissing, Mattawa Division 1887
191 S65 Scotland Old Parish Records Marriages
192 S66 Sepultures de Notre Dame de Lourdes Vanier & Saint Joseph Orleans c.genealogie 1983
193 S67 Shirley Plouffe
194 S70 Social Security Death Index
195 S71 Societe de genealogie de St. Eustache website
196 S86 St-Gregoire-de-Nazianze Buckingham Baptisms, Marriages, Burials1836-1862
197 S72 St. Anthony of Padua - Births, Marriages, Burials - SGO 1984
198 S73 St. Brigid's Ottawa Mariages 1889-1982 centre de genealogie 1984
199 S74 St. Camillus Cemetary
200 S75 St. Camillus Cemetary Gravestone Inscription

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