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 | Joanis, Lionel and Imelda Pion family biography Gil Joanis has written a moving memoire of the rigours of life faced by his family in rural Saskatchewan.>Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 232-245 |
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 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
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 | A Melding of Cultures Volume 1: Our Turner Ancestors - Introduction Table of contents, forward, coats of arms, introduction, structure, acknowledgements and bibliography. >
Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures, Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 1: Our Turners: Canadian Transportation Pioneers, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2013
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 | A Melding of Cultures Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors - Introduction Table of contents, preface, introduction, acknowledgements, bibliography and photographic credits>Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018 |
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 | Audet dit Lapointe, Abraham (1799-1890) and Anastasie Harvey (1805-1886) The lives of Abraham Audet dit Lapointe and Anastasie Harvey in La Malbaie and Kamouraska. Our great-great grandfather was a master blacksmith and prominent farmer and land owner.>
Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 50-56, 152-160 and 56-257. |
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 | Audet dit Lapointe, Nicolas (1637-1700) and Magdeleine Després (1656-1712) Our Audet dit Lapointe ancestors were founding settlers of Île d'Orléans in the 1660s. Nicolas married Magdeleine Després in 1670 and they settled in what would become St. Jean parish. The couple had 11 children. This is a chronicle of their lives.>
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 | Buckingham, Quebec, Church Street Cemetery |
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 | Carroll visit to Denholm Township May 2007 |
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 | Cullen Reunion August 1996 Poetry from the Cullen Clan |
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 | Cullen, Bernard John (Barney) (1881-1956) and Lucy McClements (1883-1968) Biography of Barney and Lucy Cullen and his siblings>
Excerpt from The Cullens of Templeton A Two Hundred Year Journey, Mark Cullen, 2010, Chapter 4, pp 85-115> |
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 | Cullen, John (c1776-1858) and Elizabeth Carolan (1879-1862) The emigration of John Cullen and Elizabeth Carolan from County Cavan to Canada in 1826 and settlement in Templeton Township. John and Elizabeth were our first generation of Cullens in Canada.>
Excerpt from The Cullens of Templeton A Two Hundred Year Journey, Mark Cullen, 2010, Chapter 1, pp 10-37 plus notes and appendices > |
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 | Cullen, John - The John Cullen Road John Cullen was Overseer of the project that became known as the John Cullen Road. The road to was connect Perkins (La Blanche), Wilson's Corners and west to the Gatineau River at Wakefield. By John's death in 1858, the project was half completed. Other contractors continued the road north to Lot 7, Range 9 of Wakefield Township. |
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 | Cullen, John and Elizabeth Carolan's Children Biographical sketches of John and Elizabeth Cullen's 7 children, notes and appendices.>
Excerpt from The Cullens of Templeton A Two Hundred Year Journey, Mark Cullen, 2010, Chapter2, pp 40-63, 268-271 and 203-225
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 | Cullen, John Bernard (1852-1916) and Mary Powers (1858-1912) and John's siblings The third generation of Cullens in Canada continued the family tradition in farming and timber; this is the story of John Bernard Cullen, Mary Powers and John's 12 siblings.> Excerpt from The Cullens of Templeton A Two Hundred Year Journey, Mark Cullen, 2010, Chapter 3, pp 65-83 |
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 | Cullen, Lawrence – Memories of Growing up in Ottawa in the 1920s and 1930s Written by Lawrence Cullen in February 2000> Photos added by Mark Cullen February 2018>Excerpt from The Cullens of Templeton A Two Hundred Year Journey, Mark Cullen, 2010, Appendix 5, pp 245-261 |
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 | Cullen, Pauline - Letter to Lesley Cullen 2004 On the occasion of her granddaughter's marriage, Pauline Cullen wrote about Emma Lapointe, Lesley's great-great grandmother.> Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis Volume 1 Our Turners: Canadian Transportation Pioneers, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2013, Appendix 4, pp 209-210 |
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 | Cullens of Templeton - Book introduction Table of contents, introduction, acknowledgements and bibliography> Excerpt from The Cullens of Templeton A Two Hundred Year Journey, Mark Cullen, 2010 |
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 | Depoca dit Joanis, Jean-Baptiste (1707-1792) and Marie-Louise Paquet(1719-1791) Our first Joanis ancestor, Jean-Baptiste Depoca dit Joanis (1707-1792), a cordonnier, emigrated to New France in 1730-1735 from Cambo-les-Bains, a village in French Basque country near Bayonne. He married Marie-Louise Paquet in 1737 and they settled in Quebec, later moving to Yamaska and Île Jésus.> Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, 2018, pp73-79, 195-198 and 258-259 |
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 | Depoca dit Joanis, Louis (1743-1817) and Jean-Baptiste Depocas dit Joanis (1770-1832) Louis, our second generation, was a blacksmith on Île Jésus, Sault-au-Récollet, Les Cèdres, St. Martin and St. Benoît. His son, Jean-Baptiste, was a weaver and farmer in St. Martin and St. Benoît. >
Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 79-82
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 | Depocas dit Joanis in Bytown From Bytown to Angers c1850 |
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 | Depocas dit Joanis, Louis J. (1800-1884) Louis was a carpenter and early Joanis sawmiller who migrated from Deux Montagnes to Carillon, Bytown and Angers. He had two wives and 12 children, many of whom followed him into sawmilling.> Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 82 and 88-94 |
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 | Depocas dit Joanis, Pierre Jules (1843-1927) and Domithilde Maisonneuve (1843-1913) Pierre Jules Joanis (1843-1927) worked for more than 50 years in the sawmilling industry on the Ottawa River and in Eastern Ontario. He was a millwright, farmer and leading citizen of Rockland and Clarence Creek.> Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 94-111, 213-226 and 261. |
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 | Doray, Bud 2002 email |
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 | Doray, Bud Reminiscences |
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 | Eulogy for Theresa Turner Hart 2010 |
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 | Evolution of the Sawmill Industry on the Ottawa River At least five generations of the Joanis family were employed in the sawmill industry on the Ottawa River. This is a brief description of its growth and a photo gallery of the lumber and sawmill industries.>
Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures: Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors, Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 83-87> |
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 | Holden Turner direct descendants to Mark Cullen Chart showing the 7 generations from Holden Turner to Mark Cullen. Holden was the first of the family to settle in Canada in 1783. |
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 | Holden Turner Early days in the British Army Correspondence between Ralph Turner and Don Hagist, Bookseller |
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 | Holden Turner Land Purchase 1801 |
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 | Holland, Glen Allen (Happy) (1919-1944) Happy Holland came by his nickname honestly – he was happy-go-lucky with a standout personality to match. He was an ace Mosquito pilot in WWII who died in a mid-air collision in 1944. >
Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis Volume 1 Our Turners: Canadian Transportation Pioneers, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2013, Appendix 6, pp 243-252> |
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 | Ile Jésus History Ville de Laval, Quelques Pages d'Histoire, Paroisses et Villages Anciens de l'île Jésus |
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 | Jennet Hutchinson's Ancestral Origins The search for Jennet Hutchinson's ancestral origins has been inconclusive. We have used Canadian archival data plus web sources and private research in Scotland. The following is the best information found to-date and our assessment thereof. |
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 | Joanis Ancestors A list of our Joanis great grandparent ancestors (husbands and wives) who were the first of their families to settle in New France, mostly in the 17th century.> Revised excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, Appendix 1, pp 127-129.> Revised May 2018. |
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 | Joanis Ancestors – Family Tree Charts Family tree charts for each generation of our direct Joanis ancestors.>Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors, Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 74 and 187-194 |
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 | Joanis, Jules (1862-1900) and Délina Quévillon (1867-1968) Our great grandfather, Jules Joanis, had a career in sawmilling, and was a millwright at the Edwards mills in Rockland when he died at the age of 37, leaving his wife and seven children.> Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, 2018 pp 112-122, 227-231 and 261-262. |
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 | Joanis, Pierre Jules and Domithilde Maisonneuve 50th Wedding Anniversary Photo 1911 tagged New information about this photo has come to light through Gil Joanis. In 1977, his parents, Lionel and Imelda, and brother René and wife Genny, visited Robert Turner, Lionel's cousin, on Vancouver Island. Rob gave Lionel this photo. Later, Lionel, who was 18 at the time of the photo, identified most of the individuals. |
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 | Katie Butler letter Nov 1906 A letter summarizing her travels to the East to visit with Turner relatives |
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 | Kelleher, Madeleine (Turner) Early Childhood memories of my Joanis Ancestors Madeleine Kelleher recalled visits to her great grandfather's (Jules Joanis) house in Rockland |
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 | Lapointe Ancestors A list of our Lapointe great grandparent ancestors (husbands and wives) who were the first of their families to settle in New France, mostly in the 17th century.> Revised excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, Appendix 1, pp 125-126.> |
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 | Lapointe Ancestors – Family Tree Charts Family tree charts for each generation of our direct Audet and Lapointe ancestors.> Excerpt from A Melding of Cultures Ancestors of George Turner and Bernadette Joanis, Volume 2: Our Lapointe and Joanis Ancestors Four Hundred Years of French Canadian Heritage, Mark Cullen, Vancouver, 2018, pp 38 and 131-138 |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham No. 166 15 April 1862 Gift of land to son Élie-Joseph Two weeks before his marriage to Susanne Jesse Malvina Tremblay, Abraham and Anastasie gave their son Élie-Joseph the following properties: (i) an irregular plot bordered by the Boudreault line in the front, in the rear by the house of Timothée Harvey, southwest to Leandre Audet and to the northeast to Timothée Harvey, plus buildings; (ii) 2¾ X 40 arpents near the Queen’s Road, to Timothée Harvey, in the rear to the Boudreault line, to the southwest to Leandre Lapointe, and to the northeast to Timothee Harvey, without buildings; (iii) a property in the Ruisseau des Fresnes concession, bordered by the Boudreault line, in the rear by François Lapointe, then on two sides northeast and southwest to François Lapointe, without the buildings; (iv) land of 1 X 40 arpents in Ste. Agnes parish in Ruisseau des Fresnes, bordering the Boudreault line at the rear, to Étienne Boivin on the southouest, to Hubert Cimon to the northest, with buildings.
Son Alexandre’s debt of 37 livres 10 shillings, when paid, the animals and other effects would transfer to Élie. Élie had to pay his brother 100 livres, plus a 4 year old horse and one milk cow; there is another clause referencing his sisters Séraphine and Émilie, but the obligations, if any, are uncertain.
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 | Lapointe, Abraham 3 Nov 1854 donation of Notre Dame du Portage property to son Alexandre Abraham and Anastasie gifted their land and buildings in St. Patrice parish, Riviere-du-Loup, to Alexandre. The land consisted of 2 X 40 arpents and was located on the St. Lawrence River, bordering Jean Fournier on the southwest, Chrisasthome Morin on the northest. There were conditions: Alexandre had to provide accommodations to widow of Chrisasthome Morin; pay 50 livres to Abraham’s brother Fabien; the sum of 37 livres 10 shillings payable to Abraham in 6 years without interest |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham 4 Jan 1833 further reference to Land purchased in Notre Dame du Portage This second agreement is between Abraham and Francois Paradis of Saint Jean Port Joly. Uncertain as to details, but references 11 October 1832 agreement and the Seigneur, Andrew Laughlin Fraser, and a payment or debt of 224 livres |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham 4 Jan 1833 land transaction in Notre Dame du Portage Abraham was a farmer and blacksmith living in Kamouraska; these agreements refer to an earlier agreement dated 11 October 1832 regarding land in Range 1 of Kamouraska consisting of 2 X 40 arpents with frontage on the St. Lawrence, to the southwest to Joseph Dionne and Joseph Marcaux and to the northeast to Theodore Sirois. |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham debt assumed 2 March 1853 Abraham and Stazile assumed his brother Joseph’s debt of 54 livres 10 shillings, originated on 28 January 1850. The debt is secured by two properties in Murray Bay Seigneurie, Ruisseau des Fresnes: (i) 2 ¾ arpents frontage on the line of Francois Boudreault to the house of Timothée Harvey, southwest to Joseph Gagnon and northeast to Timothée Harvey; (2) 1 X 40 arpents in Ste. Agnes parish, bordering in front by the Boudreault line, on the southwest to Étienne Boivin, on the northeast by Hubert Cimon, plus all buildings. |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham No 148 9 Oct 1826 Madame Magdeleine Tremblay, widow of Jean Bouchard, wife of Alexis Gagnon, sold to Abraham Audet dit Lapointe, master blacksmith, land of 2 arpents and 2 perches frontage X 40 arpents deep in Murray Bay Seigneurie in the Ruisseau des Fresnes concession: at the front to the line called Boudreault and depth to the Petit Lac concession including the buildings the buildings; the price was 25 livres. |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham No. 170 16 Oct 1826 Ignace Couturier, farmer in Mount Murray and Dame Marie Audet dit Lapointe, Abraham’s sister, sold to Abraham, farmer and master blacksmith, 7½ perches X 40 arpents in Ruisseau des Fresnes in Murray Bay: to the Boudreault line in the front, to the Petit Lac concession, southwest to Alexis Tremblay, to the northeast to Michel Hervey, son. The price was 33 piastres, 1 shilling, 8 pence. |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham report of 5 Feb 1835 Messrs Abraham Lapointe, Pierre Fournier, Francois Chasse, Isaae Carvois, surveyors of bridges and roads in Rivière du Loup and Pierre Ganon surveyor of Cacouna reported on repairs required to bridges on the Grande and Petit Rivière du Loup in Range 1 of R-D-L. Details of material specs are listed. Repairs were to be completed by April 1835. |
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 | Lapointe, Abraham Sale No. 2942 6 April 1858 Abraham and Anastasie sold land to Leandre Lapointe, at a price of 183 livres, consisting of 2 X 36 arpents in Murray Bay Seigneurie, Ruisseau des Fresnes concession, bordering Ruisseau Rouge and the Boudreault line in the front and Jean Barst in the rear, and to Joseph Harvey to the southwest. All buildings included. |